from June 1 to June 10, 2023
Etienne de Causans Gallery - 25 rue de seine, 75006 Paris

A few words about the “Spectra” exhibition by Canoline Critiks.
Hybrid's Crib, the cradle of new creative mixes, presents its new exhibition entitled "Spectra" at Etienne de Causans gallery, 25 rue de Seine in Paris from June 1st to 10th, 2023.
The “Spectra” exhibition brings together a selection of contemporary visual artists with diverse expressions, perspectives and origins.
Figurative or abstract, the works have in common to bear witness to a tangible strangeness that awakens a feeling of escape.
Painting, drawing, photography, collage, sculpture, digital art… Mixed media processes transform representations in small and large formats.
Each artist experiences the “disappearing”, this birth of the spectrum which participates in a ghostly creation where the possibilities of escape, the paths of dissidence and the opportunities for emancipation are expressed.
There is this fascination for the tension between the visible and the invisible, this attempt to express what we do not see and what is unspeakable.
The selected works are a eulogy of the transitory and the upsurge. Bodies, figures, changing landscapes participate in a protean, hybrid, supernatural combination.
Its incarnations, associated with the projection of the imagination, provide a disturbing, almost hallucinatory experience that unleashes interpretation.
The artists presented by Hybrid's crib have this desire to lead towards discovery, the unexpected, to understand the world, the desire to inject a dose of innovation and to draw possible futures.