Originally from Lille, I am now based in Bobigny in Seine-Saint-Denis. I create analog collages which for me are reflections of intimate contradiction. Made of contrasts, of elements that collide or merge, they are composed of fragments of paper coming together like a strange puzzle to give birth to faces,
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Originally from Lille, I am now based in Bobigny in Seine-Saint-Denis. I create analog collages which for me are reflections of intimate contradiction. Made of contrasts, of elements that collide or merge, they are composed of fragments of paper coming together like a strange puzzle to give birth to faces, silhouettes, interior landscapes. Strongly influenced by fantasy cinema, I bring together disparate fragments taking the form of creatures or dreamlike scenes.
Starting from a very intuitive work, guided by the texture of the paper, the colors and shades of black and white, as well as the emotions expressed, I end up without realizing it with strange self-portraits. As if in this work of the fragment, of the encounter, almost alchemical, my works escaped me. After the confusion, the lost unity resurfaces and reveals a hidden harmony. I like to provoke questions and loss of bearings. Invite you to explore the twists and turns of paper and the psyche. Cause trouble and comfort.
Always passionate about art and culture, I first studied them, before promoting them through several professions until the day I launched myself. One evening I responded to a compelling need to create. It was spontaneously towards collage that I turned, creating my first work with the means at hand. The experience was galvanizing and I continued it. I had found a means of expression, a tactile and creative activity. However, my production was very episodic for several years. It intensified one day in March 2020, a month synonymous with multiple personal changes, coupled with the first confinement. Today it is an integral part of my life.
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